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 Web Results 1 - 2 of about 3 for sureroute test object. (0.09 seconds) 
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[PDF] Developing EdgeComputing Applications
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... for acquiring, configuring and testing systems in ... GIFs, PDFs, other download objects)
closer to the ... Furthermore, Akamai.s SureRoute technology determines the ...
www-900.ibm.com/developerworks/ cn/wsdd/download/pdf/OnDemandEdgeComputing.pdf - Similar pages

[PDF] Akamai EdgeComputing
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
... the tools they need to create, test, and deploy ... persistent TCP and SSL connections,
Akamai.s SureRoute ... costs through the reuse of object oriented development ...
www.akamai.com/en/resources/pdf/whitepapers/ Akamai_Enabling_Apps_Grow_Business_Whitepaper.pdf - Similar pages

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